
Mostrando las entradas de junio, 2017

Correction Guide

Dear all, The following is my corrections guide so you can self-correct (and really learn from the mistakes). Gr:     Grammar (mistake in grammatical form, agreement) V:       Vocabulary (collocation or phrase might be wrong) T:        Tense. (no conjugation or wrong conjugation) R:       Reference (pronouns, deixis, etc) C:       Connectors SP:     Spelling P:       Punctuation and Capitalization (...):    Something's missing ww:    wrong word (replace this word for another) wo:    wrong order F:       form (an -s missing, "ing" instead of "ed," etc) For your writing marks: C/O: Clarity and organization. Includes task relevance, reference, cohesion and coherence. Gr: Grammar V: Vocabulary P/S: Punctuation and spelling.

Homework and classwork

Updated 3/12 . Check out first term homework for some important things you never did that you should do. CLASSWORK (Check below for Homework) THIRD TERM Lunchbox Hypotheses Benita (Correct X) Bruno B. Bruno J. Sandy Matías H. Facundo Josefina Joaquín Demián (correct X) Camila D. Juan Cl. Oriana Franca (Correct X) Matías B. (Correct X, show me) Fermín Federico Marina Sophia Paloma Revision Tic Tac Toe Agustina  (Do the rest for practice) Matías H.  (Do the rest for practice) Carmela (Do the rest for practice) Joaquín Lucía Camila D. (Correct X, show me original) Sofía (Correct X) Oriana Josefina Burno B. Benita  (Do the rest for practice) Demián (Lots of chicken... Correct X) Sophia Marina Fermín - - Matías B.  - - p. 89 ex 8 and 9 Bruno J. Matías H.  Oriana Juan Cl. (Correct X) Natalia (Correct X) Demián Lucía Joaquín  Federico Agustina Matilde Sandy Bruno B. Franca (Correct 9) Sophia Marina Ca...