Test dates and topics
Dear all, - August 31st is the date all second years will be having this term's exam. That date we will have a two part exam: Part 1: In pairs. Brave New World. Questions about whole book, questions about fragments. You will need to have the book for the test. * Genre (justify, quote) * Setting in time and place (quote) * "Brave New World," meaning of title, intertextuality, three different instances in text. (quote) * Identify fragments and answer questions. * Complete quotes and identify speakers and themes. Part 2: Grammar and vocabulary. Multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks and reporting exercises. * Grammar: Past (Simple, Continuous, Perfect), Present (Simple and Continuous), Reported speech and reporting verbs (except reported questions). (we will leave futures and tag questions for next term) * Vocabulary: old and new vocabulary from Drive. - On September 7th we will write a book review in class. Let me know if you hav...